About Our Show

Our Christmas Lights Show began in 2017 with a basic show set to music.

In 2019, our Show moved to a ‘pixel’ show. A pixel is a small LED light that is computer controlled. Our show has thousands of pixels which are individually controlled with 16-million colors. Each pixel works together to create some amazing effects over the entire house and property.

The Show also includes three projectors, our custom-built animatronic Santa, and several other elements. It’s all run with a multiple computer system and network.

The music is broadcast on 105.3 FM radio, and is synchronized with the lights show.

Video & Sharing

Taking video of our show and sharing it on your social media is completely acceptable. If you do share it, we would appreciate tagging us at @McCoyChristmasLights and including our website of McCoyChristmasLights.com.